Buildup to my Entrepreneurship Journey

I came from a home where I had house helps doing everything for me.

I had a father who never allowed me to do anything outside studying and his over-protection of me was on another level.

All these because I am the ADA (First Daughter) of the family.

Fast forward to when I gave birth to my first child.

I was as afraid of the process of childbirth as a first-time mother.

Many concluded that I do not have the willpower to bear the pains of childbirth.

That day was the longest day of my life.

It looked like the day will never end.

From 8am in the morning till 7pm in the Night, I labored without uttering a sound from my mouth.

Even my husband and loved ones had already given up and were trying to sway me into other options that will relieve me of my pains.

This was at exactly 7pm.

My Doctor came in and check the baby and assured everyone that the baby’s heart is being monitored.

I was halfway on my third drip and had only one goal to defeat my fears or at least have it on record that I tried but my baby could not take the stress again.

As God will have it 15minutes into 7pm, with a loud shout I call to use the restroom but I was instructed to do whatever I wanted to do on the bed.

Behold my child came forth.

The making of an Entrepreneur

The 28th Day of June 2011 was a turning point for me.

That was the day that I did something that no one helped me with except my Creator.

From that day, I took charge of who I am, who I wanted to be, and decisions that affected me.

It is only in facing your fears you find out what you are capable of.

Being an entrepreneur could be tasking and energy-sapping just like birthing a child.

Immediately you are faced with trials, the inclination to throw in the towel stares at you.

But if you dare face your fears and keep pushing like i did, you will find out that you are already at your finish point and have accomplished and achieved your set goals.

Today I am glad I dared to be an entrepreneur with the two arms links below.

Lesson-Dare to face your fears and achieve your set goals

Adaeze Unachukwu

(CEO AVirtual Assistant)

Managing Social Media Arm/website chat and Building Brands For Businessowners/Politicians/Celebrities/Clergymen/Schools.

WhatsApp: 07013968214



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