Many kinds of skills and professionals are in high demand today and will probably continue to have great opportunities over the next few decades. Other kinds of workers are doing jobs on the leading edge of technology and cultural change. Here are existing jobs that will be top careers for the future.
* Virtual Assistant
The market for virtual assistants is increasing. That isn’t a surprise when you consider how the workplace is changing; the ‘traditional’ 9 to 5 jobs are still there but people are branching out, looking for flexible work hours that can be completed from the comfort of their home while balancing their family.This is already seen in the explosive number of VA positions listed on websites like Upwork, Guru, Freelancer, and PeoplePerHour.
Communication skills are crucial for any assistant, especially one that works online.
You’re probably sitting at your computer, thinking, “I can communicate”. We completely agree but remember communicating isn’t all about talking, it also involves listening, understanding and explaining.
Great communication communication skills can be the difference between landing and keeping a client, or always going from one client to the next.
Working as an assistant, especially a virtual one, in a digital age means that you need to keep up with the latest in demand skills.
Project management, facebook and google advertising, and social media are the 3 pillars of a Virtual Assistant. Also, the ability to quickly troubleshoot, use shortcuts to get work done faster and learning how to use a range of software are all vital in staying competitive.
* Digital Content Specialist
One of the major cultural revolutions that keeps getting more entrenched is the move toward more dynamic, digital, interactive, and on-demand media. Because of digital devices that keep us constantly connected to almost any kind of information or entertainment we want to consume, the need for fresh content that breaks through the noise is never-ending. Organizations in every industry are discovering that generating new digital content is becoming a major key to sustaining their effectiveness. That’s why digital content specialists—with all kinds of different job titles and abilities—are increasingly in high demand, especially with the growing popularity of remote work and freelance gigs . To prepare for this type of position, it’s smart to get training in areas like Internet marketing, writing, and multimedia,graphics design and digital arts.
*3D-Printing Technician
Many futurists believe that we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what 3D-printing technology (aka additive manufacturing) will ultimately be capable of achieving. Hobbyists, industrial designers, biomedical engineers, and other people are already experimenting with on-demand manufacturing of things like tools, food, clothing, everyday household objects, medical implants, and aviation, automotive, and electronics components. As this technology advances, 3D-printing machines may become just as commonplace as refrigerators and microwaves. Eventually, every home and business could have one. And small, localized 3D-printing manufacturers in every town may ultimately replace large remote factories. So technicians who specialize in maintaining 3D-printing equipment will likely be in growing demand.

*Personal Brand Advisor
Even among large, established organizations, hiring freelance professionalsfor short-term projects is becoming a pretty big trend that may expand well into the future. In fact, many futurists foresee a time when most jobs will be done on a temporary contract basis. If that holds true, workers will need to develop great personal brands and put a lot of effort into constant self-promotion. Personal brand advisors will help their clients establish and maintain public personas and professional reputations that make them stand apart from the competition.

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